Joined on 12/27/06
Yes this is sad :(
they skinned it ALIVE! It was still moving with no skin
Yes ! that was horrible !
How they can do something like this. :(
Aprime was here!
man visit my page keving17
Im glad that i can honestly say i've never bought a real fur product in my life.
That video was horrible.
That`s good.
I hate thoose people who can do this to animals.
Fuck the animals. It's too bad it's illegal to skin endangered ones.
Fuck the animals ?
Don`t say that.
Now you are same people like thoose who skin the animals.
Yes i know, but people need money and they do bad things.
I know, the guy whos doing this should be put on those fucking filthy cage
Yes, i dont understand, how they can do this to animals ? :(